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College is Not for Everyone

My Experience Realizing That College is Not For Me

November 18, 2020 11:43 PM
This hopeful child already has plans to go to a top tier college (Rohit Farmer/Unsplash)
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Note: This story was originally produced over a month ago. Information, dates, predictions, and other details may be outdated.

As I complete my last year of high school, most of my peers will go in their own direction in life, including college. They have been told since they were learning their alphabet that they were “destined for great things,” which equals college.  

When I was in the third grade, I had this perfect future where I would be a male nurse and make money doing what I love, helping others. However, as I got older the dream turned to more of a fantasy that will never be lived. As a child, things seem as if it's just a straight shot and you're doing you dream job, nothing is said about student loans or acquiring the debt most of which with interest ramping up the prices over time. It is true you can get scholarships but in order to get those you must have good grades in all classes, even if they are unrelated to the field. Personally, I'm a hard worker, I can do what I do better than most people, but I need to learn with hands-on experience—and I know I'm not the only person in this world like that.

For some, like the mechanic shown here, trade school is a better fit than college (Aaron Huber/Unsplash)

From gained experience, college is a good option for those who dedicate their lives to school, homework, and study. Those students also are usually upper-middle class and don’t have to work a job to help with bills. Some families cannot fund their kid going to a college or even support them throughout their young adult life, which forces them to get a job and spend less time on school and more time on providing the little extra income, so they have a place to sleep.

According to Pete Mutso in “While 60 percent of the wealthiest students complete their studies and graduate, only about 16 percent of low-income college students graduate." Furthermore, students who are not born into a family with an excess amount of money to support them throughout their days in higher education or even just high school are less likely to succeed because they have to focus on having a job, money, and even a stable environment to sleep in every night.

Time is a key factor when growing up. Depending on the household you were raised, the form of teaching your parental figures have conducted, and the amount of money your family has and is willing to invest in your future can all impact your options and choices available at these cross-roads. Schools fail to recognize this and look at academic effort put forward and the final scores on exams to determine if they are worthy for college.

But not all do. For example, trade school admission is based off completion of high school and a passing GPA. These schools will focus on the hardworking and physically able rather than one's ability to be financially able and put forth time into studying for the next big exam like the SAT.

Furthermore, when developing as a child to a young adult, some will seek this guidance from the schools and agree; however, some already have an idea of what they want to in life, which could include or exclude higher education. When looking from the eyes of someone when they first find out about college, it can be overwhelming, and it was for me. But when schools try to explain how it is a good idea, it seems unfeasible. To acquire so much debt, stress, and to lose so much time at such a young age can be extremely stressful. These are all valid reasons for students to be deterred from this almost forced form of education.  

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